Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I've got too much I want to be doing. This  lends itself to getting nothing done at all because I just can't decide where to start. I think I'll just take one project and see it to the end and be happy with that accomplishment. Namely, Mr. Cardinal!

I am really happy with the way it is turning out, and I am really close to being done.  I just need to sit down and finish it up. An hour this morning and a bit of time after work and I should be able to call it a wrap.

Also trying to get my hands on the new colors of DMC Variations floss, and of course there are none to be found locally, so I will need to contact either DMC directly or maybe I'll buy them from one of the shops that supports my designs. (That will probably be the case, as I like to support those that support me!)

The next project I need to get a jump on is the quilt I am doing for Irish Quilting Magazine. I'm still looking for just the right fabric for the project. I need to edit the cross stitch blocks slightly as well.

Well, if I'm going to get anything accomplished today, I should get to it. More later!

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