Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Button Tree

As noted in my previous blog post, I have started working on a series of trees.  This one will eventually be a pattern for others to work with. I have this piece of rich chocolate linen from Wichelt that I am going to use, and I think I will stitch it with either DMC winter white orone of the Weeks Dye Works colors that has a btle variation to the color.  The branches will be embellished with buttons, probably white as I have jars of the things!

 I might try and make the thrift shop rounds today as I haven't been treasure hunting in awhile and I am feeling the need!  A bit of printing to do today too, and I need ink. The thrift shops *are* all on the way to Office Max. I think this is a sign!

1 comment:

  1. *Always* follow The SIGNS!! As in "..beyond this point, there may be BARGAINS!!"..


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