Tuesday, October 18, 2011

46 instead of 45

I told myself when I turned 40 that at 45 I would be making art my full time career. That I could declare myself an 'artist'...forgoing the usual  "I work (here) and my needlework designing is a nice part time income. A hobby."  Well, today marks my 46th birthday. So I am a year behind.  But, I have made some changes to my reply when someone asks me what I do for a living.

I am a needlework and textile designer and artist,  and, I am a Program Director for the Watch Me Draw art program in Minnesota. I am an artist. I have gone through, and continue to go through periods of  'have I done the right thing?' and  'am I being selfish?' as it's not been an easy road to get where I am right now. It is still very frustrating, and I still struggle with finances and trying to right the errors I made as a foolish young adult who did not think that the choices I made then would still affect me some 25 years later.  But I am doing the work. I am gaining ground.

"If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud."
-Emile Zola

Ya know, that sounds like a pretty good plan
 for the second half of my life.

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