Sunday, December 21, 2014

Just Cross Stitch Magazine January 2015 Feature

I am so excited! It's finally here.  The January 2015 issue of Just Cross Stitch Magazine which I am honored to have both a feature interview and two new designs.  

Carolyn Manning Designs, Just Cross Stitch Magazine January 2015

I was made aware that the magazine had come out by a message on Facebook-- on the evening I returned to my motel room after Ted's memorial service. An emotional wreck, really. Not sure what to do with myself just then, but this gave me some clarity. He knew how excited I was about this publication and had been looking forward to his own autographed copy even though he never stitched. It made me smile, finally, through the tears. And although there have been many tears since that night, I do think this publication started the healing that night.

Carolyn Manning Designs, Just Cross Stitch Magazine January 2015

I got my designing start in magazines, and it has been such a wonderful experience to get back to where it all began, so to speak.  I have another piece slated with Just Cross Stitch in June, and I have plans to try and create something for perforated paper very soon as well, a new adventure for me as I've never worked with the paper medium but have always wanted to. 

Now I'm off to see The Hobbit with my visiting grown children who were both just toddlers when my first magazine work was published.  


  1. *SWEET*!! :-D
    Love the Photo-Layout. -- hmm... one of my current wool-blankets that I'm crocheting would look great against that brick in the 2nd shot. - whatever. I'll have to remember to keep an eye out for the Mag! Anyhoo, HAPPY SOLSTICE!!
    *hugs*! :-D


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