Monday, August 25, 2014

The start of Sissy's Garden

I started the model for A Garden For Sissy last night and am working today on a few more flowers before I settle in to crochet for awhile this evening. The little tidbit flowers, trims and art yarns I had been making have been well received on the website, and I think I want to create a few new embellishment choices for artists. 

I often struggle with the want to do too many things, and I have found myself spread too thin too many times. While I am so super-inspired by what I see others doing, I have to exercise some small amount of self control. Maybe find a way to apply what they are doing to what I am doing-- similar to what I did with the quilt block interpretations. 

While I have been selling a fair amount on eBay, the fees are killing my profits. Part of the problem with selling small, lower-priced items, I guess. I am going to pare things down to my website for patterns, tidbits and trims, and my Etsy Shop for the one of a kind fiber and embroidered art and one of a kind art yarns and occasional one of a kind embellishments.  

Doing this will give me room to explore all sides of my creative self. After all, one feeds the other. My designing often inspires the one of a kind pieces, and giving myself time to free form lends itself very well to sparking new ideas for patterns. 

With both kids off at college (Go Bison!) I want to use the time that has been freed up wisely. I want to commit and really dig in and run with this. 


  1. yes... The "costs" of E-paperwork are a pain, n'est pas? - One of the reasons "why" I haven't gotten around to opening a "Shop" yet. I can barely keep up with getting ready for the craft fairs, nevermind all of the cyber minutia! -- But, hey, I am going "high-tech" this season. I've just gotten a 4G wifi hub - [this after years of dial-up!] - Gonna finally get a SMARTphone too this weekend! Only because I *need* one to use a Charge-Card-Reader "SQUARE"! - They seem to be "THE"-Device around here lately at the Craft Shows... Thought I'd give it a try... The "THEORY" being, that PEOPLE are more likely to BUY Stuff with Plastic rather than Cash..?! - [And the Fees are reasonable]
    Besides, IT looks "COOL" too!

    1. Look at you, Shan! Will have to start calling you TechMama or somethin'. I love my wifi, but I am still staying away from the smart phone, matter of principle for me. I have always thought a phone should be a phone. Although if I start doing more shows again, I might end up doing what you are for payment purposes as it's about the same here.

    2. I know, I only use about 30 minutes a month on my Cell now - I have it more for voicemail than anything else. And I never Text! -- But, what the hey, I'm already locked into one 2-yr plan, might as well get it all done together. Besides, my "Tech-Guy" is cute & strapping and "helpful"! And, I-Have-No-"Life"!


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