Wednesday, December 11, 2013

the flowers always break through

Okay, so sometimes it really pays not to give up on a piece.  I was ready to set this one aside for a little while until my daughter looked at it and commented that she thought it was really cool. Now, my daughter has always been very supportive of my work, but mind you, I usually have to give her a "Hey, Mol, what do you think of this?"  When she picked this up even before the second bit of stitching and commented, I figured that was my sign.

I started putting down the second layer of random stitching, and suddenly the flower beneath was kind of peeking through. I added another bit of deep grape stitching and I found myself thinking about how all those green things find their way through just about anything; cracks in the pavement or the hard, dry earth. 

When I was painting in college, a lot of my work was like this.  Some of it made no sense to anyone other than me.  After this piece, I'm thinking that I might revisit that space.  Think a little more (but not too hard!) about things breaking and birth and how the two do co-exist. 

Now off to blow up my printer with round two of  'gotta get to the post office yet'!

1 comment:

  1. That dark colour was a great choice. Gives it a crispy *edge*... Can't help think of it reminding me of a "surface-layer" being burned away... [when you read my Post for today, you'll know what I mean!] -- whatever, I do like the effect. Very "magnifying"...


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