Monday, February 6, 2012

this & that

Things have been something akin to a whirlwind the last few days.  I was offered a position as a paraprofessional in special education for the school district, and I accepted the job. I have withdrawn from college classes for now, and the position will allow more stability for my family while allowing me to continue to create and design without the pressure to put out as many designs in a month's time. It also means I will have the means to explore some different things without straining the budget! 

Tonight I stitched for awhile, and I am almost done with the next in the new Snowballz (see the last blog entry). I think I am going to name it "The Snowflake Collector", and when it is done, it will be obvious why I made that decision.

I've also started working on a few new fabric bits, just to play around. 
These are the first two of the collection.  

cotton clouds


Now I'm off to pack my lunch for work tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. *CONGRATS* on the new job!! It sounds like something actually worthwhile. -- A steady paycheck is always GOOD! Pays for the "STUFF"! :-D


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