Thursday, April 18, 2013

Where Have I Been?

Well, I've been over at Tumblr....where I am really having a lot of fun, discovering new things and finding that there are  a lot of people that I can expose my work to that wouldn't otherwise find me!

But, I will try to keep up with this blog as well for those that have followed me here!

What have I been up to? Well, here are a few images...


One block of what was supposed to be a quilt for a magazine that quit publishing.

The large focal block for the orginal quilt

Gingham Boughs from the new Twigs Collection

Heart of the Forest from the Twigs Collection

And on Etsy, some free form embroidery trees I have been working, hoop art

That's about all for now! Now off to work on the next of the Whiskerkins cats in cross stitch!

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