Sunday, April 4, 2010

Playing with fabric design

I  have been playing around with quilt fabric design using some of my own illustrations from my cross stitch design. This is some of what I have done so far. I still have some serious tweaking to do with the colors. This turquoise is coming up reeeeally bright and not quite as it did on my Mac, and printing comps I found that it was pretty glaring and not as cool and icey as I had wanted it to be. Once I get the adjustments done, I will post them again for comparison.  I might need to run over to ColourLovers to play with hexcodes and palletes to get the look I really want. 
Forest_RainbowI am also working on another series using Jepedo from my FernFolk series and have started with a palette that I made in ColourLovers.  I am definately thinking it is the better way to pick the colors as you can see how they work off each other immediately. I want to work through a few different color schemes as well.
Color by COLOURlovers
My goal?  To finally get a line that I feel really good about (am almost there!) and get into designing fabric along with the needlework designing. I am envisioning a combination of the two. Maybe fabric that is coordinated with the cross stitch design for home interiors. Quilts, pillows, etc. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having fun with this project and cute design too.


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