Monday, January 7, 2013


The first new design of 2013, Honey of the Snowangelz Collection. Stitched over two on Wichelt Imports dusty green 28ct. jobelan. Finished size 70w x 68h.  Uses DMC floss and for the sparkly in the wings and our friend's halo, Kreinik #4 braid.

I'm not entirely sure what I am doing next. I have a stack of yummy fabrics from Wichelt to choose from, and a few new designs all charted and ready to go. Now I just need to see what stirs me most.  Leaning a little more towards something delicate and pretty. 

Day 4/365 Dragonfly Days

1 comment:

  1. Honey is adorable. I love the sparkle from the Kreinik! How are you going to finish him??


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