Sunday, October 21, 2012

Finishing up the quilt that I am submitting to Irish Quilting Magazine.  While I cannot share the actual quilt design just yet, I can share some of what has inspired it!

Thistles.  These images were captured in August, a family camping trip along the Minnesota River. 
I marveled at how tall they had gotten. Wondered, if left to grow in my yard if they would do the same. 
We're always so quick to groom away weeds. I think a yard full of these would be amazing.
Tell that to the neighbors.

These too...

I have been taking milk thistle and dandelion supplements for years. Amazing healing properties for both.
Just weeds?  I think not.
I want a wild yard. One that I don't have to mow, one that could just exist as its meant to. 
Until I find a way to get that (my neighbors just don't get it!) I'll just have to wander.
Which isn't such a bad thing either.

And finally, for today...
speaking of wandering, go check this out
Crashingly Beautiful
a wonderful place shared with me by one of my storytelling, role-playing, writing pals

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