Monday, February 7, 2011

baby bubbles

Baby Bubbles 2011
Finally finished up the first of the little nursery-themed designs! Baby Bubbles features three smallish baby animals, this particular installment has a puppy, bunny and kitten. Each stitches under 60x60, so they are the perfect size for pillows, bibs and blankets or just as cute little wall hangings. The colors can be easily modified for any baby's room.

I had a request for a zebra! So, there will be another group of critters coming, a zebra, giraffe, monkey and maybe a lion. I have started the sketches for them, so they'll figure into the model stitching rotation very soon! I also had a request to design some fat and feathery birds, which are also in sketch stage now.

(and to my Minnesota friend who has requested moose-sorts and bear-friends? they are coming too!)

1 comment:

  1. Oooo! DO a RHINO for me!! :-D

    Hippos really are just nasty creatures and Elephants are boring!


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