Monday, November 22, 2010

Finally feeling a bit more like myself

One by one I am knocking off things on the must-do list so I can get to the can't-wait-to-do's.

The business end of things, some printing and posting, updating websites and that kind of thing taken care of,  I skipped ahead to the can't-wait list and nabbed a skein of this nubby yarn I had found at the thrift shop, a bigger crochet hook, and goofed around until I found these delightful blooms forming. Funny thing though, they remind me more of spritz cookies then flowers.  I had enough of the yarn, a cotton and acrylic blend, to create ten. Each has a unique button center.

I have often struggled with the textured yarns, and I had my moments with this too, especially as it was a tangled skein that I had worked loose to wash and then rewound into a fresh ball.  I will be taking  better photos tomorrow and will most likely put the lot up on Etsy. That is if I don't find another personal use for them before then!


  1. Oooo! Those are COOL! They look like some sort of Fruitcake Cookie...? Or, colored Rice Krispies...?? I *CAN* imagine how difficult it would be to Crochet with that stuff!

    BTW, Thanks for the Comments on My Site! :-D

  2. Ahhhhhh I love them. So cute and lots of texture. I can imagine that were difficult to make!


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